How SMEs can reduce their IT costs effectively

Develop reliable IT, while simultaneously minimising IT costs: is it possible? Yes, it is!


Digital transformation will evolve your business to stay competitive and doesn’t have to be scary

Workplace evolution following the pandemic has been both rapid and far-reaching, as businesses and organisations look...


How to successfully embrace the digital revolution and its opportunities on a small business budget

One of the few positives of the global pandemic was that it highlighted the importance for organisations of all types...


How can data help you make smarter business decisions?

You already know the power of data, but you may not be using it to its full potential yet. Here are some ways data...


Clear visibility can make data-driven decision making a piece of cake

You may be aware that tons of data flows through your business, but perhaps you can’t see it clearly. Start using...


How Should Businesses Plan For A Successful Return To Work?

With the vaccine roll-out underway and cautious reopening plans, now is the time for organizations to start thinking...


Job Wizards + Turn magazine = RETHINK WORK

Welcome to our new blog. We are happy you are here. Transformation is everything we do – so let’s go for it! Start to...


The new world of work is changing everything, even your payslip: New Pay

Nowadays, we work together with agility and autonomy. Conventional salary scales no longer fit. The time has come for...


Crisis management: agile action in a crisis

Throughout Europe, small and medium-sized businesses in all sectors are facing the same difficult challenge: how do...
