
Job Wizards + Turn magazine = RETHINK WORK

Welcome to our new blog. We are happy you are here. Transformation is everything we do – so let’s go for it! Start to RETHINK WORK with us.

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Think ahead, work smart – and RETHINK WORK

The ‘intelligent connected workplace’ is our answer to this and our promise for the future.

Think ahead, work smart – the motto of all previous JOB WIZARDS blog posts – for us means fundamentally rethinking the understanding of work. New concepts are needed for the future: flexible working and intelligently networked workplaces are becoming more and more important.

Transformation is our main topic: after three years, 153 articles and numerous workbooks on our JOB WIZARDS blog, it’s time to take the next step.

The best of Job Wizards and Turn magazine

That is why we have combined the best articles from Job Wizards with the best articles from the IT print and online magazine TURN, established in 2019, and started a new magazine-style blog: RETHINK WORK.
The new format brings together the most important topics for the future, such as the ‘intelligent connected workplace’, and our extensive offers and services as the digital workplace solution provider Konica Minolta.

From business to new work, from us to you

Whether the subject is complexity, remote work, digital knowledge, sustainability or the hybrid workplace: all previously published articles from both formats are now clearly sorted by keywords – expand your knowledge and discover inspiring connections.
Discover our new RETHINK WORK sections and uncover the latest facts and insights from the areas of business, the cloud, new work, security, tools and the workplace as you read and scroll.
Think ahead, work smart – the logical consequence of this is to RETHINK WORK: we hope it brings you a lot of fun and success.