EINES Vision Systems Solutions

Automotive Industry Inspection Solutions

  • Automotive Paint Quality and Auto Repair Inspection Tunnels
  • Metrology Inline Gap & Flush Tunnels for Body and Assembly
  • Multi Error Proofing Solutions for Component and Parts Inspection
  • Battery Assembly Quality Control Solutions

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Solutions for Vehicle Quality Check



Tunnel Vision Systems Solutions

EINES Vision Solutions for the Automotive Industry are in a continuous improvement process. Our automated defect repair process follows paint defect detection. For the whole car body, the metrology “All in one” tunnel enables Gap & Flush measurement while Scratch & Dent detection in final assembly. Also, the Multi Error Proofing system tunnel can scan automotive parts in an AGV line. Finally, EINES is developing new products as the EV Battery Suite includes Deep Learning and 3D Scanning for Quality Control.

  • 100% Inline Measurement

    Every car is inspected with no line stoppages. A scanning simulation can reproduce defects, giving traceability and the basis for substantial analysis and reporting.
  • No robots

    The system has no robots or other moving parts. Therefore, it does not need safety and security measures. We can install the tunnel within a few days, requiring no major construction work or a shutdown.
  • Different Functions

    Available tunnel solutions are the Paint Inspector, Gap & Flush measurement with optional Scratch and Dent detection and Multi Error Proofing systems that can check different parts of the vehicle, Spec Chek and more depending on your needs.
  • Small Footprint

    The system has a small footprint and needs no extra security measures. Also, the installation timing is short, with no major construction work or shutdowns.
  • Flexibility and Automatic cycle time adaptation

    The tunnel can analyse any car model and colour variant. Moreover, our technology can process thousands of images per car on a moving line. This way, cycle time is not increased.
  • Cost Effective

    It has a straightforward maintenance procedure that can be executed with minimal costs. Feedback is immediately provided to repair operations resulting in improved repair activities and cars leaving the production process within specifications.

Paint Defect Detection

Paint Defect Detection

Defect Classification and Big Data

EINES® Paint Tunnel scans all defects in the vehicle surface. The system does a 3D positioning to get the defect’s specific location. It is real-time detection, showing the results just after the vehicle has gone through the tunnel. A variety of report and analysis functions are available to your need.

Also, EINES® and Konica Minolta have developed a classification system based on Deep Learning. It can classify the defects into different groups such as flat, fibre, convex, concave, scratch, drop, bump and dent.

EINES® Inline Automatic Defect Repair is a system integration that enables the Process automation of the entire automotive paint quality control methodology.
  1. Precise Defect Detection & Positioning
  2. Defect Categorization: Thanks to Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence (AI)
  3. Defect Repair interface: Paint defects are prioritised, and the best parameters to repair are sent to the robot
  4. Auto-Repair Robot fixes the vehicle defects

G&F Measurement

G&F Measurement

High Accuracy in Measurement

Gap and Flush inspection between assembled automotive closures and bodies is a critical factor in modelling a car’s aerodynamic performance and, in turn, determines fuel efficiency, reduces wind noise concerns, door closing effort, improves overall body fit-and-finish, increasing the effectiveness and efficiency of your resetting process and resources in body and assembly processes.

The vision system provides immediate feedback in a well-known user interface. It also has integrated reporting, which is key to analysing the performance

The “All in one” vision tunnel includes Gap & Flush measurement and Fit & Finish features. It can detect surface defects such as Scratch and Dent. It finds deviations related to wind noise, closing efforts and water leaks. It is the perfect final check to ensure customer satisfaction.

Multi Error Proofing for Final Assembly

Multi Error Proofing for Final Assembly

Spec Check & Scratch & Dent Detection

  • Defect Detection: Scratches, fingerprints, dents and bumps.
  • Multi Error Proofing: Eines also has a Mini Tunnel Solution for automotive parts in AGV.
  • Spec Check: The vision system is capable of checking the underbody, alerts and warranties, part coordinate system metrology, scanning a data matrix and Optical Character Recognition (OCR)
  • Flexibility: Eines designs its Multi Error Proofing solutions depending on the customer’s needs. Our vision technology can detect multiple issues, parts presence or absence and this tunnel can be combined with Gap & Flush solutions to finish with a complete final check.

EINES EV Battery Suite Solution

  • Metrology: TIM Bead Inspection and battery cover seal inspection. It calculates length, width, position on the plate and relative location between beads.
  • Parts Identification and Multi Error Proofing: Battery Assembly Assistance and Check of Battery Arrays, stud covers, wires harnesses, etc.
  • 3D Robot Guidance: The robot needs to accurately know the 3D location of the air circuit connectors to introduce the test tool, our vision system can assist with this.
  • Big Data: With High-Resolution Cameras, we ensure catching all the defects. The system can store the data to analyse it and have traceability of the defects.

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